For the first time Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences receives research Latvia’s ambassador certificate

On January 8, at the opening ceremony of the “Science for Latvia 2025” calendar, the ambassador certificates of the science communication platform researchLatvia, created by the Ministry of Education and Science (IZM), were also presented for the first time, which Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) also received.

The ambassador certificate Member of researchLatvia was presented to the 12 scientific institutions included in the calendar, thus confirming their significant role in the development of Latvian science.

Research Latvia is a science communication platform created by the Ministry of Education and Science, which creates a research and innovation ecosystem in which interaction between various scientific sectors and institutions, society and academia, business and culture, and the national and global world of science is cultivated.

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is represented by researcher Oskars Java in the 2025 calendar "Science for Latvia"

Also in 2025, the Ministry of Education and Science prepared and published the calendar “Science for Latvia”, which was presented on January 8. Highlighting and evaluating outstanding achievements in research and confirming Latvia’s important role both in the European Research Area and on a global scale, the calendar includes Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences researcher Ph.D. Oskars Java.

As an important science communication tool, this calendar brings together Latvian researchers for the eighth time since 2018, who, with their achievements, promote the recognition of the country’s science on an international scale. Complementing one another, the calendar “Science for Latvia 2025” brings together 12 leading scientific institutions in Latvia. Their outstanding achievements in research confirm our country’s important role both in the European Research Area and on the global scientific arena.

“Of course, it is an honor for me to be one of the faces in the Science Calendar, especially this year, when a large part of my colleagues have much more professional experience. I hope that with my story I will inspire others to obtain a doctorate in science,” admits O.Java.

Oskars Java's path at ViA began in 2018 in the doctoral study program, but during this time he has undergone rapid career growth. O.Java is currently the director of the ViA SSII scientific institute and director of the doctoral study program, including actively continuing to conduct research.

ViA researchers included in the “Science for Latvia” calendar in 2018, associate professor, leading researcher Arnis Cīrulis and Dr.hist. associate professor, leading researcher Gatis Krūmiņš. In 2019 Ph.D. ViA Rector, associate professor, leading researcher Agnese Dāvidsone In 2024, researcher Linda Lancere ViA research and research strategy are the answer to the new challenges posed by the transition to a knowledge society and globalization. The long-term goal is to create and apply new next-generation knowledge society technologies. The medium-term goal of ViA research is to promote the development of smart specialization sectors at the national and Vidzeme regional levels and increase productivity by conducting research in the areas of current societal and technological challenges.

The work of researchers from ViA, RTU, LU and RSU on a significant national research program project - "Decision-making support system for achieving climate neutrality goals" continues

The National Research Program Implementation and Monitoring Commissions, based on the results of the evaluation by international experts, made a decision in 2024 to grant funding to 5 national research programs, including the project “Decision-Making Support System for Achieving Climate Neutrality Goals” (VPP-KEM).

The project aims to create a unified national decision-making support tool for achieving Latvia’s climate neutrality goal, as well as to improve the quality of education and supplement the existing knowledge base, promoting a sustainable approach to the implementation of climate policy.

At the end of 2024, researchers involved in the project visited the Ministry of Climate and Energy to present a test version of the Latvian GHG emissions system dynamics model, which was carefully developed over the course of a year.

The model is particularly important because it allows:

  • Analyze various solutions for reducing carbon emissions Compare paths to climate neutrality
  • Assess the impact on national growth
  • The model will support policymakers in making data-based decisions on sustainable development.

This is the second version of the model, but after listening to the recommendations and ideas of the Ministry of Climate and Energy, significant improvements have been planned so that it can respond to the needs of industry experts and policymakers.

To achieve the set goals, various activities were implemented in 2024:

  • 3 modeling seminars 6 presentations at foreign and Latvian conferences
  • 4 scientific publications prepared
  • 5 meetings with the Implementation and Monitoring Commission remotely and in person
  • 21 working group meetings
  • 1 Scientists' Night

The project involves researchers from Riga Technical University, who work in collaboration with the University of Latvia, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, and Riga Stradiņš University.

The goal of the project is to create a unified national decision support tool for achieving the goal of Latvia’s climate neutrality. The main focus is on the modeling of the impact of policy decisions in various sectors – energy, industrial processes, agriculture, ZIZIMM and waste management. The tasks of the project include analysis of climate policy obligations, assessment of climate instruments, identification of innovative technologies and collection of necessary data. The plan envisages evaluating how the EU and Latvia comply with climate commitments, evaluating climate change mitigation and adaptation tools, as well as identifying innovative technologies in all sectors of the economy.


Partners of the "Accelerate Future HEI" project discuss achievements and set future goals

From 18. January, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences' Associate Professor Agita Šmitiņa participated in the meeting of international partners of the project ”Accelerate Future HEI” EUDRES in Spain, Universidad Europas (Tenerife). During the meeting, representatives of the project from nine universities shared their experiences of the project and outlined the next steps.

The main goal of the project is to promote the entrepreneurship of students and also the university as an organization by developing various entrepreneurship-related activities. These activities to be implemented in universities are very diverse - for example, the development of business start-up support measures, the introduction of digitalization, training of young entrepreneurs, support for social entrepreneurship, the development of entrepreneurial skills for students, etc. activities.

The goal of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences in this project is to develop the entrepreneurial skills of both students and young entrepreneurs in the region, as well as to promote the management and leadership skills of the university's management staff.

During the meeting, the project participants received feedback on their work, discussed improvements and exchanged ideas, learned “StoryTelling” skills, and visited various Tenerife organizations related to the development of business types - for example, the Confederation of Business Organizations. The stories of representatives of the most innovative companies in Tenerife were also very exciting - for example, the company “Impresora”, which prints houses with a 3D printer.

Accelerate Future HEI Logo

In collaboration with colleagues from Portugal and India, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences launches the implementation of an Erasmus+ Capacity Building project

From January 20 to 24, 2025, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is hosting on-site and online kick-off meeting for the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education project “Advancing Sustainability and Technology in Tourism, Hospitality, and Services Studies through Strategic Industry Partnerships (SIPAS)”. Throughout the week, a team of lecturers and experts from Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, together with project partners from Portugal (Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal) and India (Pondicherry University and the National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management), will work on initiating and fine-tuning the project’s activities and tasks.

Over the course of two years, the SIPAS project will bring together four higher education institutions and five associated partners from the tourism industry to develop and implement innovative study modules, staff training programs, ICT integration, and the establishment of laboratories at partner universities in India. These initiatives aim to enhance administrative efficiency and create a global learning environment in the institutions involved.

On the first day of the meeting, participants were introduced to the higher education institutions represented in the project, as well as the tourism study programs they offer. Throughout the week, the project team will continue planning the next steps, activities, and collaboration details, including engaging with professional partners.

EN Co funded by the EU PANTONE
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

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