Project Description

The project is designed in the intersection of information and communication technology (ICT) and digitization of culture. It intends to develop digital gaming and expand the scope of human resources as well as digitize and promote ideas of ecology embodied in contemporary culture, particularly regarding mental health ecology in terms of peace of mind, self-awareness and related psychological states. The general aims are 1) to expand the versatility of the researcher’s professional profile through an ability to work in digital art projects from a technical perspective, 2) to support the project’s target group, future creative engineers, especially by focusing on WebXR technology, 3) the creation of an innovative art game EcoMind. The central activities are related to refining the researcher’s digital skills in a cooperation with Orléans School of Art and Design (France) and RISEBA University of Applied Sciences, as well as work on technological solutions for the digital art game’s demo version at the applicant’s institution, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences. The anticipated results are the creation of three research articles, including at least one Q1-Q2 open access article and two Scopus/Web of Science level articles, and a prototype of EcoMind serious art game with the technological participation of the post-doctoral researcher and the target group of students, future creative engineers.
Project Details
Implementation period: 01.04.2025-31.03.2028
Project No.:
Budget: 184 140,00 EUR
Funded by:
- European Regional Development Fund
- Latvian Council of Science
- Lead researcher, PhD Ieva Gintere
- Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
- VR laboratory
- École Supérieure d’Art et de Design d’Orléans, France
- RISEBA University of Applied Sciences
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