Melece, L. (2016) Challenges and opportunities of circular economy and green economy

Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, 25.-27.05.2016., pp. 1162-1169

Indeksēts SCOPUS un Web of Science. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.

Melece, L., Krieviņa, A. (2016) Bioenergy in Latvia: Sector value and impacts

Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, 25.-27.05.2016, pp. 1170-1176

Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.

Melece, L., Krieviņa, A., Spoge, I. (2016) Sustainability aspects of bioenergy production: Case of Latvia

Proceedings of 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2016, ISBN 978-619-7105-67-4 / ISSN 1314-2704, June 28 - July 6, 2016, Book 5 Vol. 3, 569-576 pp

Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē.

Pelse, M., Lescevica, M. (2016) Smart specialisation assessment in Latvia

Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference “ECONOMIC SCIENCE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT” No 42 Jelgava, LLU ESAF, 21-22 April 2016, pp. 126-131

Indeksēts Web of Science datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.


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