Proceedings of 18th Annual international scientific conference "Economic science for rural development" 27-28 April 2017, Jelgava Latvia, Vol. 46, pp.101-108, ISSN 1691-3078
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Proceedings of 18th Annual international scientific conference "Economic science for rural development" 27-28 April 2017, Jelgava Latvia, Vol. 46, pp.101-108, ISSN 1691-3078
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Proceedings of 18 th Annual international scientific conference "Economic science for rural development" 27-28 April 2017, Jelagava Latvia, Vol. 46, pp.92-100
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Proceedings of 18th Annual international scientific conference " Economic science for rural development", 27-28 April 2017, Jelgava, Latvia. pp.38-47
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European Journal of Social Science Education and Research, [S.l.], Vol 4, No 1, p. 28-34, ISSN 2312-8429, DOI:
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10th International Scientific Conference on Rural Environment, Education and Personality (REEP), Issue 10, 92-99, ISSN 2255-808X
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