Kūle L., Rajevska F. (2017) The Inclusion of Special Education Into Preschool and Elementary General Education Institutions in Latvia

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION.", May 26 - 27, 2017, Rēzekne, Latvia, Vol. 3, pp. 60 - 70, DOI:

Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.

Karaseva A. (2017) Manifestations of Teacher Professional Agency in Realtion to Integration of ICT in Teaching

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION.", May 26 - 27, 2017, Rēzekne, Latvia, Vol. 3, pp. 500 - 514.

Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.

Smaļinskis J., Līviņa, A. (2017) Dabas parkam “Abavas senleja” - 50

Vides Vēstis. Vasara 02/2017. 26-29.lpp. ISSN 1407-2939

Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.


Vidzemes Augstskola, Cēsu iela 4, Tērbatas iela 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

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