Jākobsone, A. Cakula, S. Florea, M. (2017) Modelling of knowledge sharing processes for the provision of trilateral cooperation

CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 1684, 2016S, Code 123812

Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē. Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.

Gintere, I. (2017) Codes of Musical Modernism and Latvian Contemporary Music

4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM: conference proceedings. Book 6, Science and Arts, Volume 1. Vienna: SGEM. pp. 435-44

Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.

Bucholtz, I. (2017) Environmental communication in Latvian municipal newsletters

In Environment. Technology. Resources: Proceedings of the 11th Scientific and Practical Conference. Rēzekne: Rēzekne Academy of Technologies, Vol. 1 (pp. 46–50)

Indeksēts SCOPUS datu bāzē. Pilnais teksts pieejams šeit.


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