Cirulis A., Brigmanis-Brigis K. & Zvejnieks G. (2018) Analysis of suitable natural feature computer vision algorithms for augmented reality services

2nd International Conference INNOVATIONS AND CREATIVITY, Liepaja, Latvia, 2018


Rajevska F., Rajevska O. (2018) (In)effectiveness of the Latvian pension system in addressing t he problem of poverty among the elderly

Proceedings of PenCon 2018 Pensions Conference: “Contemporary problems of intergenerational relations  and pension systems:  a theoretical and empirical perspective “. Lodz, Poland, April 19-20, 2018


Gintere, I., Zagorskis, V., Kapenieks, A. (2018). Concepts of E-learning Accessibility Improvement – Codes of New Media Art and User Behaviour Study

10th CSEDU International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Portugal, Madeira, March 15-17. ISBN 978-989-758-291-2, p. 426-431. DOI: 10.5220/0006787304260431 (indexed in Scopus).

Indeksēts SCOPUS.

Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.

Bucholtz, I. (2018). The social construction of environment in Latvian local newspapers

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