Grinfelde,I., Veliverronena, L. (2018). The limits of creative approach: conducting an orchestra of emotions in the darkness

Creativity studies, Volume 11 Issue 2: 362–376

Pilns teksts pieejams šeit.

Berzina, I., Lauberte, I. (2018) The Model of Automation and Extension of Tourism Economic Impact in Specific Regions

Research for Rural Development 201;8 Volume No 2, 2018, pp. 195-202; DOI: 10.22616/rrd.24.2018.072; ISSN 1691-4031 (print), ISSN 2255-923X (online)

Apstiprināts un indeksēts datubāzēs: AGRIS; CAB ABSTRACTS; CABI pilns teksts; EBSCO Academic Search Complete; Web of Science ™- Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters); Thomson Reuters Elsevier SCOPUS

Jansevskis, M., Osis, K. (2018). Machine Learning and on 5G Based Technologies Create New Opportunities to Gain Knowledge

Proceedings - 2018 2nd European Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, EECS 2018, 376-381, DOI 10.1109/EECS.2018.00076

Raksts indeksēts SCOPUS un Web of Science zinātnisko rakstu datu bāzēs.


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