Kūkoja, K., Kūle, L. (2019). Different Approaches in Providing Early Childhood Education Services for Vulnerable Groups in Latvia

Proceedings of 13th Academic International Conference Social Sciences for Regional Development 2018. 40-48


Līviņa, A., & Smaļinskis, J. (2019). Challanges for The Governance of International Tourism Routes

National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, India, 317-324, ISBN 978-89-922250-05-4


Grāvīte, V. (2019). Crealtive Industries: Fashion Events as a Tourism Product

Proceeding of 23rd International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference and 9th Eworld Tourism Conference. 295-304


Smaļinskis, J., & Līviņa, A. (2019). Use of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Tourism Marketing. Case of Latvia

National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management, India, 103-114, ISBN 978-89-922250-05-4


Bikše, J., Līviņa, A., Rozentāle, S. (2019). IT-Based Transport Mobility Solutions - New Opportunities for Tourism

Proceedings of 23rd International Joint World Tourism Conference and 9th World Tourism Conference. 305-315, ISBN 978-89-922250-05-4


Vidzemes Augstskola, Cēsu iela 4, Tērbatas iela 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Reģ. Nr. LV90001342592