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Economics and Business, 33(1),127-139

DOI: 10.2478/eb-2019-0009

Dāvidsone, A., & Silkāne, V. (2019). The relationships between media literacy and civic participation among young adults in Latvia

Information Literacy in Everyday Life, ECIL 2018, Communications in Computer and Information Science 989, 103-112


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Zinātniskie raksti. 4 (XXIV), Grāmata un sabiedrība Latvijā līdz 1945. gadam, 4(XXIV), 349-364

Raksts pieejams šeit.

Leščevica, M., Kreituze, I. (2018). Prospect possibilities of remote work for involvement of Latvian diaspora in economy and businesses of Latvia

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Research for rural development 2018", Volume II, 2018. pp. 173-179.

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