Cunska, A. (2020) Effective learning strategies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) support for accelerated math acquisition

European Proceedings of International Conference on Education & Educational Sciences EpICEEPSY. 11th ICEEPSY’2020 International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology, 1(1), 118-129. DOI: 10.15405/epiceepsy.20111.11

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Pratt, M., Boudhane, M., & Cakula, S. (2020). Predictive Data Analysis Model for Employee Satisfaction Using ML Algorithms

Advances on Smart and Soft Computing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 1188, 143.152, Springer, Singapore.

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Raksts indeksēts SCOPUS zinātnisko rakstu datu bāzē.

Kalnačs, J. (2020). Mākslinieks Ernests Veilands (1885. gada 12. jūlijs – 1963. gada 25. decembris)

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Pratt. M., Cakula, S., Majore, G., Bušs, E. (2020). Development of an Effective and Secure Communication System in a Quarantine Situation

Proceedings - 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, CSCI 2020, 131-137, DOI: 10.1109/CSCI51800.2020.00030

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