Java, O., Sigajevs, A., Binde, J., Kepka, M. (2021). NB-IoT Sensor Network for Obtaining the Input Data for Hydrological Simulation Model

AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, 13(1), 59-69, ISSN 1804-1930, DOI: 10.7160/aol.2021.130105

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Cunska, A. (2021) Distance learning reveals the necessity of Artificial Intelligence solutions for accelerated learning of mathematics

INTED2021 Proceedings. 15tht International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 2152-2160, DOI: 10.21125/inted.2021.0467

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Gintere, I., Biters, K., Vīksne, I. (2021). An Innovative New Media Environment as a Tool for Education of Contemporary Stylistic Heritage

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Pratt, M., Boudhane, M., Taskin, N., Cakula, S. (2021). Use of AI for Improving Employee Motivation and Satisfaction

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Raksts indeksēts SCOPUS zinātnisko rakstu datu bāzē.

Līviņa, A., Druva-Druvaskalne, I. (2021). Experiences of Co-Designing Tourism Product Strategy for Tourism Destination: Bottom-up approach

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