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(2015) New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 353, pp. 629-639
(2015) Proceedings of 17th International Conference of Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation (HMS 2015), pp. 95-102
(2015) Proceedings of 27th Europen Modelling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2015), pp. 36-45
(2015) The 3rd International Conference of Virtual and Augmented Reality on Education (VARE 2015). Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 77, pp. 11-21
Web of Science
(2015) The 3rd International Conference of Virtual and Augmented Reality on Education (VARE 2015), Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 75, pp. 75-83
Web of Science