Transformation of Educational Value in Cultural and Economic Growth of Social Community (IzVeTSKKEI)
The aim of the project is to explore the impact of education as a value for the growth of Latvian society in the socio-economic and cultural context, assessing the social return of the population to economic development and achieving a higher quality of life, ensuring a contribution to the productivity of humanitarian capital in the Latvian regional context.
The project aims to study the impact of the value of education in the socio-economic and cultural context of the growth of Latvian society, ensuring a contribution to the productivity of humanitarian capital in the regional context of Latvia.
It is intended to study the value of education from the following aspects:
- awareness of the value of education in Latvian society (focus groups - teachers, teachers, social work and cultural professionals, entrepreneurs);
- the value of education and culture (education through cultural activities and the contribution of cultural institutions to education);
- the value of education and entrepreneurship (impact of education in the business community; potential contribution of entrepreneurs to the development of the education system);
- the value of education and IV and social services in building an inclusive society;
- research into methodological approaches to human capital social return research and the experience of their implementation in the international context.
Three Latvian regional universities shall cooperate in the course of the study, thereby highlighting the need in the country for polycentric development, by burying the results at international scientific conferences, publications and educational events. The resulting study data will be used to improve the content of the study process in higher education, and recommendations will be developed for policymakers in the regions involved in the study. Research will be presented and explained to the public in order to build a modern-day understanding of education as a value needed for the spiritual and economic growth of society.
Project period: 2020 - 2023
Funding source: Fundamental and applied research programme, Latvia
Project lead: Liepaja University
Project partners: Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences
ViA peroject team: Maira Leščevica, Aigars Andersons, Vija Melbārde, Santa Lemša, Līga Zariņa
Total budget: 300000.00 EUR