Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries


The goal of the project is to increase the international mobility of students and staff as well as international cooperation with partner countries

Type: Erasmus+

Full title: Erasmus+ programme KA1 “Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries”

Number: 2020-1-LV01-KA107-077302 (-LV)

Goal of the project: Increase international mobility of students and staff as well as international cooperation with partner countries

The target group: Students and staff at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and its partner institutions

The leading partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

All projects partners:

  • Albania (The University of Shkoder "Luigj Gurakuqi") 
  • Israel (ORT Braude College)
  • Moldova (State Agrarian University of Moldova)
  • Jordan (Tafila Technical University

Project implementation period: 01.08.2020. – 31.07.2022.

Main activities: Student and staff exchange

Study directions: Business administration, information technologies, communication and journalism, political sciences, tourism

Total budget:  EUR 80 072,00 (67 355,00 EU; 12 717,00 Latvian national co-financing)

Project funding: EU funding, Latvian national co-financing

Erasmus+ Charter

Information for partners

The selection process of students takes place at SENDING university based on following criteria - academic performance and achievements, adequacy of exchange study content to the study programme, already used abroad study and internship opportunities (preference is given to students who have not participated in Erasmus+ exchange), study semester, motivation, english or particular national language skills, involvement in various professional activities and projects, other criteria of the partner university.

Student selection has to be documented (including criteria used), after the selection partner university provides an official protocol in order to participate in the particular Erasmus+ KA 107 project. After the selection, university nominates the selected student and only final chosen student has to apply at ViA university for studies (fill in the online application), not all potential candidates.

The selection process of staff takes place at the HOST university (Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences)


Project manager at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences: Tatjana Mažāne

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +371 22042022

ARTSS - Advanced Resilience Technologies for Secure Service


Annotation: The goal of the project is to elaborate a method extension and technological solutions for dynamic adaption and securing of services to limit the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and similar crisis situations by combining big data analysis, digital twins, knowledge management, and e-learning solutions.

Built-in resilience and citizen protection are a must for delivering essential services in a crisis situation such as the Covid-19 pandemic. The ability to continuously monitor and to adapt the delivery of these services contributes to their resilience. To this end, the ARTSS project aims to develop a method that is based on the following pillars:

● Business ecosystem modelling to map the diverse actors and their contributions involved in the service delivery;

● Capability management to design and run context dependent adjustment and management of services;

● Digital twins to ensure that the adjustments (decisions and actions) are propagated to the service delivery including advanced visualization of the service ecosystem;

● Large volumes of contextual data (live as well as historical) processing and management;

● Accumulation of reusable crisis response knowledge (best practices) in a form of pattern;

● Secure and resilient service adoption approach supported by digital learning material to facilitate broad-scale adoption of the ARTSS results.

The resilient services will be explored in the following four use cases of high practical value: 1) Secure foundational services; 2) Secure telemedicine service; 3) Secure remote workplace service; 4) Secure business services.

More information:

Project period: 01.07.2020. - 31.12.2020.

Funding/ programme: National Reserach Programme for Mitigating Consequences of COVID-19

ViA role: Project partner

Project partners: Riga Technical University (project leading institution), University of Latvia, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, University of Liepaja

Project funding:  497 500 EUR

Project manager (e-pasts): Ginta Majore (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

aNATOmy: one day with a NATO soldier


The project aNATOmy: one day with a NATO soldier” aims to help foster awareness and understanding of NATO, its values, policies, and activities, and to increase the level of debate on peace, security, and defense related issues. 

 The project aims to emphasize NATO’s values and role in ensuring security of our country. The main target groups that we aim to reach with this project are three: young people (age group 18 to 35), and especially young women in this age group; and broader, non-specialized publics, including the Russian speaking minority in Latvia. During the project, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) as the Lead partner with a project partner – the television channel in Latvia “ReTV” (ReTV)  - will produce the following: 

1.    A factual-documentary film (46 - 48 minutes long) about the daily life of NATO Allied Forces soldiers from the point of view of two young people (two students - one woman, one man), described in detail in Section 4 “Strategy” and Section 5 “Implementation”;
2.    One face-to-face discussion with live broadcast;
3.    Promotional content for the documentary film in TV (channel ReTV) and in the social media profiles of ViA and ReTV;
4.    Promotional content for the face-to-face discussion in the social media profiles of ViA and ReTV.

The project will run for six months, from July 1 until December 30, 2020. The total budget of the project requested from NATO is 9916 EUR.

Contact person: Elīna Sokolova-Luca, event and project manager, 28698121, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries


Goal of the project is to increase international cooperation with partner countries

Type of project: Erasmus+

Full title of the project: Erasmus+ programme KA1 “Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries”

Project number: 2018-1-LV01-KA107-046907 (-LV)

The target group: Students and staff from Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and its partner institutions

The leading partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cooperation partners:

  • Albania (University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi"; Aleksandër Moisiu University of Durrës) 
  • Egypt (Ain Shams University)
  • India (Dr. Y.S.R. National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management; Indira Gandhi National Tribal University)
  • Ukraine (Poltava University of Economics and Trade (PUET); Chernihiv National University of Technology; Mykolayiv National Agrarian University; National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)

Project implementation period: 01.06.2018. – 31.07.2020.

Main activities: Student and staff exchange

Study directions: Business administration, information technologies, communication and journalism, political sciences, tourism

Total budget:  201 005,00 (148 995,00 EU; 52010,00 Latvian national co-financing)

Project funding: EU funding, Latvian national co-financing

Erasmus+ Charter:

Information for partners:

Student selection: The selection process of students takes place at SENDING university based on following criteria:

  • Academic performance and achievements
  • Adequacy of exchange study content to the study programme
  • Already used abroad study and internship opportunities (preference is given to students who have not participated in Erasmus+ exchange)
  • Study semester
  • Motivation
  • English or particular national language skills
  • Involvement in various professional activities and projects
  • Other criteria of the partner university

Student selection has to be documented (including criteria used), after the selection partner university provides and sends an official letter or protocol to Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences of selection of particular student in order to participate in the particular Erasmus+ KA 107 project.  After the selection, university nominates the selected student and only final chosen student has to apply at ViA university for studies (fill in the online application), not all potential candidates.

Staff selection: The selection process of staff takes place at HOST university: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences


Project manager at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences: Tatjana Mažāne

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +371 22042022

Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries


Goal of the project is to increase international mobility of students and staff as well as international cooperation within programme countries

Type of project: Erasmus+

Full title of the project: Erasmus+ programme KA1 “Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries”

Project number: 2018-1-LV01-KA103-046772 (-LV) 

The target group: Students and staff at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and its partner institutions in programme countries

The leading partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Project implementation period: 01.06.2018. – 31.05.2020.

Main activities: Student and staff exchange

Study directions: Business administration, information technologies, communication and journalism, political sciences, tourism

Total budget:  263 554,00 (218 253,00 EU; 45 301,00 Latvian national co-financing)

Project funding: EU funding, Latvian national co-financing

Erasmus+ Charter:

Student selection: The selection process of students takes place at SENDING university based on following criteria:

  • Academic performance and achievements
  • Adequacy of exchange study content to the study programme
  • Already used abroad study and internship opportunities (preference is given to students who have not participated in Erasmus+ exchange)
  • Study semester
  • Motivation
  • English or particular national language skills
  • Involvement in various professional activities and projects
  • Other criteria of the partner university

Student selection has to be documented (including criteria used), after the selection partner university nominates the selected students and they have to apply at ViA for studies (fill in the online application).

Staff selection: The selection process of staff takes place at HOST university: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences


Project manager at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences: Tatjana Mažāne

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +371 22042022


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592