Project “Cult-RInG” – Cultural Routes as Investment for Growth & jobs


The project “Cultural Routes as Investment for Growth & jobs” is implemented with the support of ERDF.

The overall objective of the Cult-Ring project is to highlight the value of investments in European Cultural Routes, in terms of their contribution to Growth & Jobs, with capitalisation of good practices, policy learning, policy implementation, development of new Cultural Routes, monitoring and capacity building.

Within the project ViA HESPI has agreed to develop the section "Development of Cultural Routes 2019-2025" of Vidzeme Tourism Development Strategy.

Project period: September 5, 2018 - December 28, 2018.

Total budget: EUR 39688,00

More information on the project: HESPI director and senior researcher Agita Līviņa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Youth to youth about environment


The project “Youth to youth about environment” is implemented with the support of The Administration of Latvian Environmental Protection Fund. The aim of the project:to implement activities in an educational and creative way that would strengthen the connection of Latvia's youth (both general education pupils and students of vocational schools and universities) with nature, linking the understanding of natural values in specially protected nature territories in Latvia with the protection of the diversity of nature and a modern vision of solutions to environmental problems.

Project period: April 20 – October 1, 2018.

Total budget: EUR 7340,64.

Main activities:

  • Creation of video about the educational campaign "The Man in the Environment"
  • Creation of a video about the project " Youth to youth about environment ";
  • An interactive event "Back in the Stone Age" and a bicycle expedition in nature “"Climate change in nature – then and now" (surroundings of Lake Lubāns, Lubana region - May 2018);
  • Educational and creative event in nature "Waste as a resource" (in the Līču-Laņģu cliffs and Lielajā Ellītē,  Priekuli region - September 2018);
  • Educational and creative event in nature "Waste as a resource" (Engures Nature Park, Engure Region - September 2018);
  • Cognitive event in nature "Nature diversity and landscapes" (in the valley of the Pededze River, surroundings of Litene - May 2018);
  • Cognitive event in nature "Nature diversity and landscapes" (in Gauja National Park - September 2018);
  • A research about young people's environmental awareness.

More information on the project: HESPI director and senior researcher Agita Līviņa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Erasmus+ programme Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries

The goal of the project is to increase international cooperation with partner countries

Type of project: Erasmus+

Full title of the project: Erasmus+ programme Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries

Project number: 2016-1-LV01-KA107-022570 ; 2016-2-LV01-KA107-035179

The target group: Students and staff from Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and cooperation partners

 The leading partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cooperation partners: 

  • Albania (University of Shkodra "Luigj Gurakuqi")
  • Armenia (Armenian National Agrarian University; Yerevan BRUSOV State University of Languages and Social Sciences)
  • Azerbaijan (Western University; Baku Business University)
  • Belarus (Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives)
  • Egypt (Ain Shams University)
  • Georgia (The University of Georgia; Georgian Technical University; Ilia State University)
  • India (Dr. Y.S.R. National Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Management)
  • Kazakhstan (Kokshetau University named after A.Myrzakhmetov; Kokshe Academy; Kimep University)
  • Kyrgyzstan (American University of Central Asia)
  • Moldova (State Agrarian University of Moldova)

Project implementation period: 1.06.2016. – 31.05.2018. (2016-1-LV01-KA107-022570); 1.02.2017. - 31.05.2018. (2016-2-LV01-KA107-035179)

Main activities: Student and staff exchange

Study directions: Business administration, information technologies, communication and journalism, political sciences, tourism

Total budget: 94 530, 00 EUR (2016-1-LV01-KA107-022570); 11 330,00 (2016-2-LV01-KA107-035179)

Project funding: EU funding

Erasmus+ Charter:

Information for partners:

Student selection: The selection process of students takes place at SENDING university based on following criteria:

  • academic performance and achievements;
  • adequacy of exchange study content to the study programme;
  • already used abroad study and internship opportunities (preference is given to students who have not participated in Erasmus+ exchange);
  • study semester;
  • motivation;
  • English or particular national language skills;
  • involvement in various professional activities and projects;
  • other criteria of the partner university.

Student selection has to be documented (including criteria used), after the selection partner university has to provide Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences official letter or protocol of the selection of particular student in order to participate in this Erasmus+ KA 107 project.  After the selection only final chosen student has to apply at our university (fill out the online application).

Staff selection: The selection process of staff takes place at the HOST university: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Payment procedure of the scholarship: incoming staff - 80% before mobility, 20% after mobility and submission of necessary reports, incoming students - 75% before mobility, 25% after mobility and submission of necessary reports


Project manager at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences: Tatjana Mažāne

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel: +371 22042022

NatureBizz - Business and Wellness from Green Economy Growth

Biz InterregEU

Green movement and the demand for natural, healthy and ecological products and services offer opportunities for green micro entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurs need sector-specific business skills to develop local natural resources into sustainable green business. This project supports the growth of green micro business by proving a joint training programme.  During the training, the entrepreneurs will work with their own practical business development cases. The core aim is the development of natural resources into sustainable green business.

ViA role in the project:

Developing the training programme

Duration 03/2018  - 10/2020


Satakunta university of Applied Sciences, Finland

Project partners:

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia

University of Tartu, Pärnu College, Estonia 

Södertörn University, Sweden


Total  - 399 933,15 €

ERFD  -  311 250,66 €

Source of funding Interreg Central Baltic

Contacts: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New forms of European citizenship in migration era


European project NECME “New forms of European citizenship in migration era” has started in 16 different European countries. The project, funded under the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union, involves 17 Civil society organizations, universities and other organizations, and is coordinated by the Italian Foundation “Giovanni e Francesca Falcone”, managed by relatives and colleagues of the anti-mafia judge Giovanni Falcone who was killed in 1992. The project is aimed to explore how migration phenomena is affecting European civil society in terms of new experiences of civic engagement and active citizenship.

The organizations participating: Antigone - Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence; Asociatia Gipsy Eye;  Association InformaGiovani; Aventura Marão Clube; Beyond Barriers; FOPSIM; Fundacio Privada Ficat; Fundacja Tale Euro Est; IMI; LeISA gGmbH; Media Education Centre; Mezinarodni vzdelavaci centrum GEMS; NGO Sfera Macedonia; Out of the Box International;  Udruga Agencija Lokalne Demokracije, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.

To had better understanding of the current situation, an international survey was launched, and almost 4000 responses were collected in all project partner countries. The results of the survey are available here.

The survey, elaborated by Palermo (Italy) and Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Valmiera – LV), made it possible to record and analyze the perception of migration and migrants in European society, also focusing on how migrants are victims of organized crime or are involved in it.

“Consistent migration flow during last years have influence on European Civil society – said Maria Falcone, president of the “Falcone Foundation” – and all of us must take an active role to overcome xenophobic, intolerant and discriminating behaviors.

Through the involvement of different stakeholders (teachers, representatives of associations and European agencies, administrators of public institutions, journalists, law enforcement, …) and the adoption of different methodologies, participants of the project will be stimulated to act, as single citizens or as organized civil society, to facilitate migrant inclusion in European society and will create synergies between civil society and public bodies, also by promoting the role of volunteering.

Besides the survey project partners will meet several times to gain better understanding of how the integration of immigrants can be achieved through the active commitment of public institutions working at local level and of organized civil society and volunteers.

The partner countries: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria,  Croatia,  Czech  Republic,  Germany,  Greece,  Italy, Latvia, Malta,  Poland,  Portugal,  Republic  of  Macedonia,  Romania, Serbia and  Spain.

More information:

Project duration: 2016. - 2018.

HESPI researcher Agnese Dāvidsone (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592