Visitor Monitoring and Digital Solutions for More Efficient Management of Visitors' Flow in Specially Protected Nature Territories


Summary: In 2020, the joint cooperation between Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and the Nature Conservation Agency concentrated the resources of both institutions and involved data available to other organizations in order to establish a comprehensive inventory of visitors to specially protected nature territories, which forms a quantitative part of wider monitoring.


In order to establish an appropriate qualitative monitoring component and assess visitor motivation, socio-economic impact, the role of ecosystem services and alternatives to recreation in a specially protected nature territory (SPNT), as well as to provide Kemeri National Park with recertification information required by the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, a large-scale coordinated survey of the ten most popular SPNTs in Latvia in terms of visitors is planned. A digital platform has already been set up for the interpretation of monitoring data, which needs to be adapted for combining quantitative and qualitative data. This would deepen the understanding of the interrelationships of interactions between humans and nature in SPNTs. The obtained data will be applicable to the situation in Latvia as a whole, in order to use them for making informed decisions on the daily management and protection of the territory and to find solutions for more efficient management of the visitors' flow to SPNTs.

Implementation period: 01.04.2021.-15.02.2022.

Funding/ programme: Latvian Environmental Protection Fund

HESPI role: Project implementer

Cooperation partners: Nature Conservation Agency

Project funding: 26 653 EUR

Project scientific manager (e-mail): HESPI Lead Researcher Andris Klepers (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Involved staff: HESPI research staff Agita Līviņa, Anda Arkliņa, Iveta Druva-Druvaskalne

More information: 

Nudging for Behavioural Change to Improve Households’ Waste Management


Summary: This research project will study behavioural insights of recycling efforts among the households, exploring the potential of nudges in the promotion of sustainable consumption and circular economy. The scientific excellence of this project lies in the multidisciplinarity: the application of social psychology in increasing the efficiency of existing recycling approaches by altering the behaviour of private households, thus, contributing to existing policy efforts in environmental protection.

Implementation period: 01.01.2021. - 31.12.2024.

Project number: LZP-2020/1-0303

Funding/programme: Fundamental and Applied Research Programme (Latvian Council of Science)

HESPI role: Project implementer

Cooperation partners: N/A

Project funding: 300000.00 EUR

Contact person (e-mail): Vineta Silkāne (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Involved staff: HESPI research staff Agnese Dāvidsone, Anna Broka, Linda Veliverronena, guest researchers Jana Simanovska, Inga Belousa, Andris Saulītis, master's students - guest research assistants Armands Aivo Astukevičs, Anna Karolīna Ozola, Gerda Ajanta Gaile


Support for effective participation of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences within the international scientific circles (ViA-lnt)


The aim of the project “Support for effective participation of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences within the international scientific circles (ViA-lnt)” is to promote the involvement of the research staff at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences with international research schemes, thus strengthening their capacity in developing international projects, boosting researchers’ networking opportunities and foreign connections as well as developing research opportunities within the research sub-directions of ViA. As a result, ViA will take part in preparing applications for at least 7 ERDF supported projects as well as programmes marked above the quality threshold within the “Horizon 2020” and EU’s 9th framework programme.

The main activities of the programme are:

1. Events for increasing achievements within the area of development  and international cooperation of the programme “Horizon 2020” and the European Union’s 9th framework, in order to increase performance as well as prevent overlapping with the activities and eligible costs of the first round implemented project:

1.1. Networking, training and mobility, including research mobility, events, in order to participate in international consortia and respectively programme "Horizon 2020" and the EU 9th Framework programme projects, including:1.1.1. Participation in programme "Horizon 2020" and the EU 9th Framework programme within the framework of organised partnership stock exchange and information days

1.1.2. Participation in support events organised by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre;

1.1.3. Participation in international scientific conferences;

1.2. programme “Horizon 2020” and the EU 9th framework programme application preparation, including business trips to potential project partners to project planning meetings, workshop organisation in Latvia and support for attracting external experts

2. Organisation of international scientific conferences in Latvia;

3. Project management;

4. Implementation of the project's publicity and communication activities.

During the project, the level of research at ViA will be developed to meet the standards of an internationally excellent level, which will be confirmed by the ViA researchers’ participation in 7 ERDF supported projects as well as programmes marked above the quality threshold within the “Horizon 2020” and EU’s 9th framework programme.

The total cost of the project is 131 130.59 Euros. The project will be implemented from June 2018 until 31st of December, 2022. The project implementation time is 55 months.

Maximised Mobility and Accessibility of Services in Regions Affected by Demographic Change (MAMBA)


Project "Maximised Mobility and Accessibility of Services in Regions Affected by Demographic Change" (MAMBA) aim is to give both dimensions, people-to-service and service-to-people mobility, a new perspective through improved integration of mobility structures. Based on specific mobility needs in these regions, the MCs will integrate easing mobility options by introducing enhanced management capacities in transport administration, providing digital and non-digital information systems for residents, creating platforms for public and private enterprises to pool transport services and facilitating cooperation between public transport actors and service providers.

Project manager: Madara Narņicka
Project researchers: Agita Līviņa, Jānis Bikše, Sarmīte Rozentāle
Duration of the project: 2017-2020
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Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries


Goal of the project is to increase international mobility of students and staff as well as international cooperation within programme countries 

Type: Erasmus+

Full title of the project: Erasmus+ programme KA1 “Higher education student and staff mobility within programme countries”

Project number: 2020-1-LV01-KA103-077137 (-LV) 

Goal of the project: Increase international mobility of students and staff as well as international cooperation within programme countries

The target group: Students and staff at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and its partner institutions in programme countries

The leading partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Project implementation period: 01.06.2020. – 31.05.2022.

Main activities: Student and staff exchange

Study directions: Business administration, information technologies, communication and journalism, political sciences, tourism

Total budget:  EUR 215 393,00 (174 955,00 EU; 40 438,00 Latvian national co-financing)

Project funding: EU funding, Latvian national co-financing

Erasmus+ Charter

The selection process of students takes place at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences based on following criteria - academic performance and achievements, adequacy of exchange study content to the study programme, already used abroad study and internship opportunities (preference is given to students who have not participated in Erasmus+ exchange), study semester, motivation, english or particular national language skills, involvement in various professional activities and projects.

The selection process of staff takes place at the host university (Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences).


Project manager at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences: Tatjana Mažāne

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: +371 22042022


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592