BOOSTED – Boosting tourism business growth through higher vocational education


The project BOOSTED aims at providing an aligned and relevant skillset for the CB region tourism industry to grow as a coherent tourism destination. In practice, the project aligns higher vocational tourism education with the needs of tourism industry and labour market in Finland, Estonia and Latvia into a new, joint curriculum and a study programme (32 ects).

Aid for accomplishing the requirement defined by EQAR agency


The aim of the project: To provide support to the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education in achieving its requirements, including strengthening the quality and capacity of the agency’s work.

ESF project "Aid for accomplishing the requirement defined by EQAR agency"

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences has signed a cooperation agreement with the Academic Information Centre on the implementation of the ESF project "Aid for accomplishing the requirement defined by EQAR agency".

After the implementation of the project, the Latvian Higher Education quality assurance system will function according to the requirements of ESG (European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance), the agency will be a participant of the EQAR, which will increase the reliability of Latvian Higher Education and acquired diplomas.

A qualitative Higher Education assessment system will ensure, in the long term, a competitive education in the European Higher Education Area and the preparation of knowledgeable, highly qualified specialists for the labour market.

Main activities of the project:

  • Development of the accreditation strategy of the agency and improvement of the quality management system
  • Implementation of pilot accreditation in 12 Higher Education institutions
  • External expertise of the accreditation agency
  • E-platform development for the accreditation process and higher education quality monitoring
  • Training and seminars on external and internal quality questions
  • Participation in European associations and other international organizations in the field of higher education quality assurance

Project partners:

  1. The Council of Higher Education
  2. Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education
  3. BA School of Business and Finances
  4. The Baltic International Academy
  5. Daugavpils University
  6. Liepaja University
  7. University of Latvia
  8. Mechanics and Technology College of Olaine
  9. Riga Aeronautical Institute
  10. Riga Building College
  11. Riga Stradins University
  12. Riga Technical University
  13. Ventspils University College
  14. Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Project implementation period: 08.03.2016 - 07.09.2019.

Contact person at the Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences - Study Information System and Study Quality Assurance Manager, Daina Leja, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

aNATOmy: telling the history, role and future of NATO


The project aNATOmy: telling the history, role and future of NATO” aims to carry out a set of interlinked communication activities to raise the level of awareness and understanding about the NATO’s history, future, and the current presence of the Allied forces in Latvia. First, two important audience groups - women and young people - generally have a weaker connection to NATO; second, younger generations are more likely to relate it to war and military, and less likely to associate NATO with the idea of peace and security, and third, NATO is often perceived as lacking transparency.

     The project aims to emphasize NATO’s values and role in ensuring security of our country. The main target groups that we aim to reach with this project are three: young people (age group 18 to 35), and especially young women in this age group; and broader, non-specialized publics, including the Russian speaking minority in Latvia. During the project, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) as the Lead partner with a project partner – the regional TV network “Re:TV” will produce the following:

  • A factual-documentary TV program consisting of four episodes (46 minutes each), devoted to four specific themes;
  • Four online promotional video materials related to the TV episodes;
  • Four face-to-face discussions in three different places in Latvia with live broadcast;
  • Promotional content for the TV program and the face-to-face discussions in the social media profiles of ViA and Re:TV.

The project will run for nine months, from March 1 until November 30, 2019. The total budget of the project is 28 355 EUR.

Contact person: Agnese Dāvidsone, Head of Communication and media studies, 26603344, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sempre - Social empowerment in rural areas

Interreg logo Sampre

Project aim is to equip social service providers in rural areas of the Baltic Sea Region with better tools for service innovation. These tools will be based on the idea of empowerment and end-user involvement.

ViA role is to focuss on disadvantage youth that are restricted in their resources such as (living distance, financial condition, poor family condition, adversely living conditions and other restrictions), mainly highlighting the involvement of pre-incubation of social entrepreneurship and lifelong learning.

Project duration 03/2016-02/2019

Lead partner Diaconie of Schleswig-Holstein (Diakonisches Werk Schleswig-Holstein)

- Evangelical Lutheran church in northern Germany, Germany
- Academy of economics Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
- Novia University of applied sciences, Finland
- Kokkola university consortuim chdenius, Finland
- Diaconal Centre Liepaja, Latvia
- University of Latvia, Latvia
- Lutheran Diaconia, Latvia
- Estonian evangelical Lutheran churc, Estonia
- Foundation for social action, Estonia
- The foundation for lifelong learning PERITIA, Poland
- Coompanion Norrbotten, Sweden
- Sunderby Folk high school, Sweden
- University colledge South Denmark, Denmark
- Nordregio, Sweden 

The project is implemented by Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programe. Total funding of project partner – Vidzeme University of applied sciences is 308 000 EUR, ERDF co-funding is 261 800 EUR. The total funding of project is 4 860 664, 11 EUR.

Link to the research project

Integration of Third Country Nationals by Involving Mass Media


The aim of the project: to improve the information quality and the availability of content on third-country nationals provided by the mass media, thus preparing and engaging the media in a constructive dialogue and the development of mutual understanding between third-country nationals and the local community.

The project "Integration of Third Country Nationals by Involving Mass Media" is implemented with the support of Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Project period: August 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018

Total budget: EUR 162 487,03

Target group: Representatives of Latvian mass media (journalists and editors)

Main activities:

  • to create and implement a media content management system: assessment of training needs of media workers, training plans, code of ethics, editorial guidelines;
  • to develop and implement a training program for three different groups (24 academic hours for each group);
  • to organize an experience exchange visit abroad for media representatives on the European media practice in reflecting third-country nationals;
  • to create and distribute media content that confirms the application of the content management system created in the project.

Cooperation partners:

  • Ltd. Publishing House „Rīgas Viļņi”
  • JSC „Radio SWH”
  • JSC „TV Latvija”
  • Ltd. „Vidzemes televīzija”, Latvian Regional Television „Re:TV”
  • Latvian Television
  • Ltd. „Cēsu Druva”
  • Ltd. LETA
  • Association „Latvian Platform for Development Cooperation"

More information on the project: HESPI researcher Agnese Dāvidsone (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

More information on the project and project activities is available here!


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592