EDU-SMEs: Curriculum alignment and cross-border cooperation with SMEs


The aim of the project is to to develop a better match between the competencies of graduates and the needs of companies in the Central-Baltic region.

New knowledge and pedagogical approaches are integrated in existing curricula and students will gain new competencies especially in the field of internationalization of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs). The project also supports individual SMEs in their internationalization through cross-border activities that link SMEs with faculty and students in their target markets. The project activities include joint development and delivery of an e-learning course on internationalization of SMEs.

As a result of the project, the partners’ curricula in business management and entrepreneurships are aligned and cross-border cooperation with SMEs is expected to increase.

Duration: 01.09.2015 - 28.02.2017

Total budget: €256 692

ERDF: €209 058

Project homepage:


Arcada University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Lead partner
Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences (Estonia)
TTK University of Applied Sciences (Estonia)
Valmiera Business and Innovation Incubator (Latvia)
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia)

Project manager at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences: ViA professor Maira Leščevica

Project manager: Eija Kallstrom, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland

European Economic Zone and Norwegian financial instrument project activity “Grants”

General goal of the project is to foster mobility of staff and students among the partnering universities, internationalisation, exchange of experience, knowledge transfer and strengthening cooperation for future joint projects and research. 

Full title of the project: "Mobility scholarships for academic staff and students to expand understanding about the digital media audiences".

Project number: EEZ/NFI/S/2015/030

Specific goal of the project: strengthening cooperation between Latvia and Norway through research “Phenomens of the contemporary mediated environment: propaganda, youth audience and media effects” – strengthen academic capacity, foster development of new study module, foster mobility of students. 

The target group: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences students, academic staff, cooperation partners in the regional and national level. 

The leading partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cooperation partners: NLA University College Gimlekollen  School of Journalism and Communication

Project implementation period: 01/01/2016 - 31/01/2017

Project budget: 184040 EUR

Project funding: European Economic Zone (EEZ) and Norwegian financial instrument (NFI) – 100%

Main results of the project:

  • Mobility of the academic staff and students: 1 student mobility and 6 academic staff mobilities were implemented
  • Exchange of experience on innovative teaching methods
  • Improved content of study courses
  • Development of a new master level study module with particular focus on media literacy and critical media analysis and consumption
  • Signed cooperation agreement to implement further international activities
  • Development of interdisciplinary and internationally oriented study offer in the field of media and communication: planning of new master level study modules in media literacy and communication as well as joint intensive summer course in 2018
  • Increased awareness of students in Latvia and Norway about topics such as the phenomena of the digital media environment particularly construction of digital self, digital footprint, big social data; different group representations in media particularly immigrants and various media effects
  • Joint research on media literacy and consumption issues in European countries

Student innovation labs – a way to sustainable and socially responsible growth (INNOLABS)


The EU has defined smart and sustainable growth as one of the priorities (EU Strategy 2020).An essential part for reaching these priorities is innovation. The aim of the INNOLABS project is to support transfer of creative, bottom-up innovation approaches for fostering smart and sustainable growth based on more experienced partners’ knowledge in the Netherlands and Denmark.

Project aim is to create student innovation laboratories in the project partner universities – Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences in Latvia, Estonian Academy of Arts in Estonia and Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus.

Project duration:

September 2014 – August 2016

There are following activities in the project:

1) Study visits;

2) Feasibility studies about innovation conditions in partner universities in Latvia, Estonia and Cyprus;

3) Elaboration of development plans for innovation laboratories in Latvia, Estonia and Cyprus partner universities;

4) Student co-creation projects in the newly established innovation labs in Latvia, Estonia and Cyprus;

5) Development of methodologies and guidelines for innovation labs;

6) Different dissemination activities.

Project is implemented by the lead partner “Foundation for Society” (Latvia) in cooperation with project partners Stichting NHL (The Netherlands), Alborg University (Denmark), Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), Interfusion Services (Cyprus), Estonian Academy of Arts (Estonia) and Stockholm Environmetnal Institute Tallinn Centre (Estonia) and Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (Latvia).

The other partners who represent countries with lower innovation capacities (Latvia, Estonia and Cyprus) want to learn from this experience, test the approaches and establish similar labs in their countries, making long-term, interesting and innovative projects and businesses which are sustainable, socially responsible and are recognizable in the region where the innovation model is operating.

Project homepage

Meeting in Italy

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) representative Marija Katrīna Dambe went to the meeting and work seminar in Italy from January 29 to February 2, 2024 to agree with the partners on the next steps to be taken within the project. It is planned that, ViA together with the organization "Free Riga" will prepare a road map of the training program for the reuse of abandoned and uninhabited buildings. 

The activities are implemented by the Erasmus+ project “Building Alternative Skills to Implement Creativities and Commons, No. 101111802” and are co-financed from the European Union budget. 


Project progress presentation in France

In the period from 12.12.23. -15.12.23. ViA representative Linda Murane went to the Frence,  Rennes to meet BASICC project partners from France, Belgium, Italy and Germany. During the meeting, the work done within the first work package was presented. 

The activities are implemented by the Erasmus+ project “Building Alternative Skills to Implement Creativities and Commons, No. 101111802” and are co-financed from the European Union budget. 



Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592