

Co-funded by Latvian Ministry of Culture


ImGame is an innovative digital environment that interweaves the fields of serious gaming and immersive aesthetics. It will serve as a dissemination tool to interactively demonstrate the research results concerning the phenomenon of immersiveness in contemporary art. Globally, there are almost no playful and educational media that would teach the history of contemporary art, inform about its antecedents, its conceptual background, and the network of related ideas. ImGame invites the user to dive into the immersive stylistics used in new media art and other types of modern culture. It will help build a new and currently underrepresented category of serious games that explains the rich intertextual context of digital artefacts today. The objective of the project is to develop a new genre of gaming in the crosscut of serious and art games that documents the cultural capital of contemporary aesthetics, especially focusing on the young artists’ work in the three partner states – Latvia, Hungary, and Greece. As well as, the objective is to transfer knowledge about contemporary artistic thought to the public not just to the connoisseurs of art. The project will develop new technological knowledge (node-based shader creation workflow for A-Frame) and thus offer the possibility to create multi-platform interactive experiences without the need to have programming skills. The main expected result is an increased knowledge transfer between the sector of artistic research and serious gaming. The planned activities are research into the phenomenon of immersiveness, the creation of the prototype and its dissemination. There are eight persons working in the project including artists, researchers, and managers. The project continues to develop the prototype of game designed through a post-doctoral project of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences. Next to the prototype of ImGame, a scientific article will be published to represent the results of the project.



Lead partner: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia

Head of the team: lead researcher, PhD Ieva Gintere (HESPI)

Lead artist: Alvis Misjuns (HESPI, Latvian Academy of Art)

Associate partners:
Pro Progressione, Hungary

Researcher: PhD Ágnes Bakk, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME)

Assistant of the digital artist: Kristóf Szabó

Municipality of Tripolis, Greece

Researcher: PhD Emmanouel Rovithis, Ionian University

Sound artist: Vasilis Georgakopoulos


Project results

Q1 article (Open access e-journal): Gintere, I., Rovithis, E., Bakk, Á. K., Misjuns, A. (2024). ImGame Project: a Comprehensive Theory of Immersive Aesthetics and Innovation in Serious Gaming. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, W. H. Tan, ed., vol. 14(1), available here.

Kovalenko, Y., Gintere, I., Misjuns, A. (2025). Using Serious Art Games to promote the Circulation of Ideas Embodied in Contemporary Aesthetics. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Computer Supported Education (CSEDU2025). Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, Prague, SciTePress library. In synergy with the project “CineGame Ukraine: a contemporary Ukrainian research-based digital art game for developing narrative skills and cinema literacy” No. 1233058 in collaboration with Kharkiv State Academy of Culture in the program MSCA4Ukraine as a part of the European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


Reports in international scientific conferences and seminars

1. Gintere, I., Rovithis, E., Bakk, Á. K., Misjuns, A. (2024). ImGame: An Immersive Educational Environment to Teach Contemporary Art. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU), May 2nd-4th, 2024, Angers (France).

2. Gintere, I. (2024). Projects of Serious Art Gaming: New Concepts and Trends. International Scientific Conference «Society. Technologies. Solutions» (STS), Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera, April 12th, 2024.

3. Gintere, I. (2023). Insights of the ImGame project in the European Science Night at the Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Valmiera, September 29th, 2022.

4. Gintere, I., Misjuns, A. (2022). The ImGame project: Refinements to the Theory of Immersive Aesthetics and Innovation in Serious Art Gaming, UNLOCK conference November 28th-29th, 2022. Extended abstracts in the UNLOCK proceedings.

ImGame prototype in progress:


Models of Assessment in the Digital Learning Environment (MADLE)


Updated on July 12, 2023

The project proposal’s scientific objective is to develop research-based formative and summative assessment models that help to ensure a credible and objective assessment of the learning process in the digital environment. Developed models will demonstrate the interrelations between different assessment methods and techniques in the learning process. The digital learning environment is understood as the use of different technologies in the learning process to varying degrees - support of some technological solutions as well as fully technology-based learning. This applies to different forms of learning: classroom learning, e-learning, as well as blended learning.

Planned results: a systematized and research-based set of static models. Assessment models will help teachers to ensure the learning process in different forms of education: formal education at schools and higher educational institutions as well as adult education, further education - it can all be linked to the concept of lifelong learning.

Project duration: 01.05.2020. – 30.04.2023. 

Project number:

Project manager: dr.paed. Anžela Jurāne-Brēmane

Scientific consultant: dr.paed. Sarma Cakula

The planned activities: studies of literature and practice, international mobility, development of the models, approbation and perfection, preparation and publishing of publications, presentation of study results in conferences and seminars, informing society about research results.

Within the project guidelines have been elaborated that can be downloaded here: Digital Assessment Guidelines (Summary in English on pp. 24-28)

Research papers

Jurāne-Brēmane, A. (2023). Digital Assessment in Technology-Enriched Education: Thematic Review. Education Sciences, 13(5), 

Jurāne-Brēmane, A. (2022). Changes of assessment in remote learning: Educators' perceptions and findings. International Journal of Learning and Change, 14(4), 469-484.

Jurāne-Brēmane, A. (2021). The Digital Transformation of Assessment: Challenges and Opportunities. Human, Technologies and Quality of Education. Proceedings of Scientific Papers, 352-363.

Accomplished activities

  1. Participation in the virtual conference “IV2020 – 24th International Conference Information Visualisation”, networking activity.
  2. Business trip to Ventspils, discussions and interviews in five educational institutions.
  3. Business trip to Jūrmala and Babīte, discussion and an interview.
  4. Research discussion "Assessing Learning in Technological Environment", Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences.
  5. Participation with the report “Digital Transformation of Assessment: Challenges and opportunities” in the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia section Digital Transformation of Education Work, 5th February, 2021.
  6. Participation in the European Science Night event on April 30th, 2021.
  7. Participation with the report "Insight into technology-based assessment practices: With and without crisis" at the 15th International Scientific Conference of the Rezekne Academy of Technologies "Society. Integration. Education" (28.05.2021).
  8. English learning at BELS Learning Centre in Gozo, Malta (mobility from 19.09.2021. to 03.10.2021.)
  9. Business trip to Riga Stradiņš' University: to study innovative digital assessment practices – Skills monitoring system and lecturers' practice in study courses (14.10.2021.).
  10. Report in the general meeting of HESPI about the progress of the Postdoctoral research project "Models of Assessment in the Digital Learning Environment (MADLE)" (07.12.2021.).
  11. Business trip to Riga State Gymnasium No. 3 and BA School of Business and Finance to study innovative digital assessment practices (04.01.2022.).
  12. Participation with the report "Development of the Models for Assessment in Digital Environment" in the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia section Digital Transformation of Education Work, 10th February, 2022.
  13. Participation in "Training for funding | EU Projects’ Design and Management" (18.-19.02.2022.)
  14. Seminar for lecturers of RTU Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology "Formative Assessment: with and without Technologies", discussion about assessment models (25.02.2022.).
  15. Mobility and networking trip to the University of East Anglia with the aim to discuss the models and participate in the Assessment Module (30.01.2022.-01.03.2022.)
  16. Participation with the report "Developing the Models and Pedagogical Principles for Digital assessment" in the 64th International Scientific Conference of the University of Daugavpils section of Educational Sciences, 22th April, 2022.
  17. Seminar for lecturers of BA School of Business and Finance "Models for Assessment in Digital Environment" (23.03.2022.).
  18. Seminar for lecturers of Rīga Stradiņš' University "Models for Assessment in Digital Environment" (13.05.2022.)
  19. Seminar for lecturers of RTU Faculty of Engineereconomic and Management "Models of Assessment in digital Environment" (18.05.2022.).
  20. Mobility to the University of Helsinki, discussing models of assessment (22.05.2022. - 11.06.2022.). 
  21. Participation in EDEN2022 Annual Conference “Shaping the digital transformation of the education ecosystem in Europe” in Tallinn University (19.06.2022. - 22.06.2022.).
  22. Seminar for lecturers of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences "Exam in Digital Assessment with Discussion" (26.08.2022.).
  23. Mobility to the University of Tallinn, exploring experience regarding learning analytics, discussing about big data in education, and about digital feedback and assessment  (11.09. 2022. - 17.09.2022.).
  24. Seminar for students and lecturers of University of Daugavpils "Digital Assessment / Models of Assessment in the Digital Learning Environment" (24.10.2022.).
  25. Seminars for lecturers of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences and school representatives "Digital Assessment / Models of Assessment in the Digital Learning Environment" (28. and 29.11.2022.).
  26. Seminars for students and lecturers of University of Liepaja "Digital Assessment / Models of Assessment in the Digital Learning Environment" (5. and 6.12.2022.).
  27. Mobility to the Tampere Universities community, exploring experience regarding learning analytics, as well as participating in TAMK conference “Knowledge, skills and competences on stage” with report about digital assessment and developed models of assessment (23.01.2023. - 03.02.2023.). 
  28. Participation in seminar of the project DITEPRACT (Digital and Hybrid Teaching and Learning) about digital learning methods in Riga Stradiņš' University (22.02.2023.).
  29. Networking event - Research Living Labs for E3UDRES2 collaboration network for the development of futher project ideas in Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Portugal (5.03.2023.-10.03.2023.).
  30. Participation in conference "Smart Solutions for Inclusive Higher Education" in University of Liepaja (28. un 29.03.2023.).
  31. Dissemination seminar for Valmiera district school teachers "Digital assessment: pedagogy and technology" (04.04.2023.).
  32. Dissemination seminar "Digital assessment: pedagogy and technology" for students of joint doctoral study programm "Education Science" in University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art (04.04.2023.).
  33. Participation with poster in "VAKEN International Symposium" in Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (13.04.2023.).
  34. A lesson for students in grades 8-12 at Alojas Ausekļa Secondary School on the European Union and the opportunities it provides, including projects within the "Back to School 2023" initiative (19.04.2023.).
  35. Dissemination seminar at the Ministry of Education and Science, with the participation of representatives of the Higher Education Quality Agency (20.04.2023).

Evaluation of the project's final report available here: expert evaluation.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Support for Accelerated Math Acquisition Approach (AI4Math)


Updated on 14th of April, 2023

Description of the project:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) support for accelerated math acquisition approach (AI4Math) is an interdisciplinary, industrial research project with no connections to economic activity. The project promotes the development of human resources by using collaboration between specialists in mathematics, pedagogy and ICT sectors. It is done by increasing the diversity, involvement and compliance of mathematical education for the future needs of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) sectors.

The research scientific purpose is to develop a mathematics support strategy for general education schools by using AI, Big Data, and stimulating learning approaches. This contributes to the 5th area (ICT) and 5th growth priority of the Smart Specialization Strategy (SSS) for promoting development of a modern and future labor market-oriented education system. This promotes economic transformation.

Also, businesses will continue to develop digitally to shape the next generation of entrepreneurship and seek ways for future growth. It is clear, that every future technology title (Blockchain, Big Data, Virtual Reality, AI, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Cryptocurrency, Robotic, Quantum computing etc.) is based on mathematical skills. It is mathematics that is considered to be the basis of other sciences, which play an important role in everyday and working life. Mathematics is taught at all levels of education. It has become an important area in the development of technology, the circular economy and environmental modeling. However, students still think that learning math is boring. Studies indicate a number of worrying indications that are related to learning mathematics and are still relevant: 1) there are very few people who are happy to remember their mathematics lessons; 2) many students do not have the pleasure, joy and motivation to learn mathematics; 3) students' attitudes significantly affect achievements in mathematics; 4) we lose a large part of our students in the learning process; 5) Reducing and facilitating the content of mathematics teaching has not resulted in deeper knowledge and better results.

Planned project results:

1. A comparative study on changes in the behavior of users in the digital age

2. An interdisciplinary, AI-based technology prototype for learning mathematics with Big Data approach for growth assessment and adapt the functionality to suit the curriculum of general education in mathematics

3. An innovative support strategy by testing and implementing new technologies and approaches in teaching mathematics

Project implementation period: 01.04.2020. – 31.03.2023.

Project number:

Project manager: dr.math, SSII researcher Aija Cunska

Scientific advisor to the project: dr.phys. Atis Kapenieks

Project activities:

  1. Targeted project management
  2. A comparative assessment of digital age users' behavioral changes
  3. Interdisciplinary AI-based technology prototype
  4. Incentive approach strategy for learning mathematics


SIA „Riga Coding School”, Republikas laukums 3-16, Riga, LV-1010, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SIA "TechGym", Ventspils High Technology Park 1, Ventspils, LV-3602, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gateway School of English GSE, No.1, Bosfru Street, San Gwann (St Julian’s), Malta, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

University of Malta, Msida MSD 2080, Malta, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Riga Technical University, Cesis Study and Science Center, prototyping workshop “TheLab”, Piebalgas Street 3, Cēsis, LV4101, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SIA “Asya”, Pils street 17, Ventspils, LV3601, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Accomplished activities

  1. Presentation of the project idea at a monthly postdoctoral seminar (04.2020.)
  2. Drawing up a description for sub-activity WP1.1. "Informative guide and quality plan of the research project” within the framework of activity WP1. "Purposeful Project Management" (04.2020. – 05.2020.)
  3. Participation and obtaining a certificate in the online study course “Elements of Artificial Intelligence” (in cooperation with RTU and the University of Helsinki) (05.2020.)
  4. Implemented professional development course on Big Data Analysis with Python (in cooperation with SIA “Riga Coding School”) (06. – 08.2020.)
  5. Submitted and approved theses for the international scientific conference ICEEPSY`2020 (The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology) (06.2020.) Retrieved from URL: iceepsy2020_abstract_book_program.pdf (
  6. Participation in professional development courses on Big Data Analysis with SQL (in cooperation with SIA “Riga Coding School”) in the framework of activity WP2.5. (09. – 10.2020.)
  7. Participation in the conference ICEEPSY`2020 (The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology) in the framework of sub-activity WP2.4. with a presentation “Effective Learning Strategies and Artificial Intelligence support for accelerated math acquisition” (06.10.2020. – 08.10.2020.)
  8. Preparing and presenting a practical seminar at the 11th conference of Vidzeme University - practical seminar for teachers “INTEGRATION OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE LEARNING PROCESS” in the framework of sub-activities WP2.7. and WP2.9., presenting the results of the project (21.10.2020.)
  9. Leading a focus group discussion at Trikāta Elementary School, Beverīna region with the aim to involve school management and teachers of mathematics in identifying problems during the distance learning period (14.10.2020.)
  10. Research project publicity event for students and teachers of 10th-12th grades of E.Glika Alūksne State Gymnasium within the campaign "Back to school" with a presentation "EU news and my work experience" (02.12.2020.)
  11. Mobility and networking trip to the University of Malta with the aim of getting to know the Maltese education system and conducting a study on changing the habits of digital age users, as well as training at the "Gateway school of English" (03.03.2021. - 30.04.2021.)
  12. Preparation of applications of ethics commissions (Ministry of Education of Malta and Vidzeme University College) for sub-activity WP2.1. (04. – 05.2021.)
  13. Participation in the conference INTED`2021 (15th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference) with a presentation “Distance learning reveals the necessity of Artificial Intelligence solutions for accelerated learning of mathematics” (8.03.2021. – 9.03.2021.)
  14. Participation in the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia - in the section “Modern Elementary Mathematics and Teaching Mathematics” with a presentation “Some Effective Strategies for Accelerated Learning of Mathematics” (18.03.2021.) Retrieved from URL:
  15. Networking activities at the 22nd International Scientific Conference of the Turiba University “Artificial Intelligence and Green Thinking” (21.04.2021. – 22.04.2021.)
  16. Participation in the International Scientific Conference CSEDU`2021 (13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education) with a presentation “Technology-based Interdisciplinary Approaches to Accelerated Learning of Mathematics” (23.04.2021. – 25.04.2021.)
  17. Networking activities and participation in the events of the European Researcher’s Night 2021 with a poster “Modern solutions for accelerated learning of mathematics in general education schools” (30.04.2021.) Retrieved from URL:
  18. Conducting a practical seminar for mathematics teachers of Valmiera schools (Latvia) on the topic “Some effective strategies for accelerated learning of mathematics” with the aim to present the results of the research project (19.05.2021.)
  19. Participation in the International Scientific Conference SIE`2021 (15th International Scientific Conference “Society. Integration. Education”) with a presentation “Important factors for more effective learning of mathematics” (28.05.2021. – 29.05.2021.)
  20. Documents have been settled and Ethical permission has been obtained from the Department of Research, Lifelong Learning and Employment of the Ministry of Education of Malta to conduct an electronic survey of all Maltese public-school pupils to achieve the results of the research project. (31.05.2021.)
  21. Networking activities and participation in the conference of the Latvian school project School 2030 “Logos: technologies for better education” with an hour-long session “1.5. Technology-based Interdisciplinary Strategies for Accelerated Learning of Mathematics” (16.08.2021. – 17.08.2021.) Records of sessions:
  22. Submitted and approved theses for the international scientific conference ICERI2021 (14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) (08.2021.)
  23. The publication Cunska, A. (2021). Technology-based Interdisciplinary Approaches to Accelerated Learning of Mathematics. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2: CSEDU, ISBN 978-989-758-502-9, ISSN 2184-5026, pages 114-121. DOI: 10.5220/0010473901140121 has been selected for inclusion in the book “Communications in Computer and Information Science” (CCIS) published by Springer. (08.2021.)
  24. Preparing and presenting a practical seminar at the 12th conference of Vidzeme University - practical seminar for teachers “SCHOOL and SCIENCE” in the framework of sub-activities WP3.5. and WP3.8., presenting the results of the project (22.10.2021.)
  25. Participation in the online youth forum "Science around us" organized by VIAA to present the research results to the youth within the activity WP3.8 (04.11.2021.) Records of sessions:
  26. Participation in the international scientific conference ICERI`2021 (14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) with a presentation “Taxonomy of Technology-based Support for Accelerated Learning of School Math” (08.11.2021 - 09.11.2021)
  27. Mobility and networking trip to the University of Malta with the aim to practice and develop the idea in the development of a technology prototype at the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Faculty of ICT, as well as training by a partner "Gateway school of English" (14.11.2021 - 19.12.2021)
  28. Participation with experience and studies in the Latvian school project School2030 Educational Technology Mentors Program (01.09.2021 - 31.12.2021)
  29. Interviews with students and teachers in Smiltene district Grundzāle primary school in order to identify and specify the target groups of the technology prototype, as well as to prepare a story for the program “Zinātne tuvplānā”(18.01.2022.)
  30. Participation in the program “Zinātne tuvplānā” on the topic “Artificial Intelligence and Teaching Mathematics” (26.01.2022) Record:
  31. Research and innovation project application has been submitted in the European Union project competition "ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PI-FORWARD-LOT1" (03.2022.)
  32. Participation in the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia - in the section “Modern Elementary Mathematics and the Teaching of Mathematics” with a presentation “Values-Based Learning in Mathematics” (17.03.2022.)”
  33. Presentations on the progress of the research project in a monthly seminar for postdoctoral researchers (20.01., 24.02., 29.03.2022.)
  34. Participation in the Shadow Days of all Latvian students, presenting the research results at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (06.04.2022.)
  35. The Latvian Investment and Development Agency has approved a research and innovation project application "Interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence-Based Technology for Mathematics" in the pre-incubation program project competition to provide training and mentor support for technology prototype development (01.04.2022. – 30.11.2022.)
  36. Mission and networking trip to the international scientific conference InPACT`2022 (International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends) whith the presentation "Learning habits: Does the digital generation have digital stress and how does it affect the learning of mathematics?" (21.04.2022. – 28.04.2022.)
  37. Cooperation agreement no. 7-7 / 14 (PostDoc 564 / 2002-1) according to the price survey “ViA 2022-01 / Development of Prototype Components of Mathematics Acquisition Technologies" with cooperation partner "RTU Cesis Study and Science Center” (11.03.2022. – 31.05.2022.)
  38. Two bachelor's theses in the Information Technology specialty of Vidzemu University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Engineering were conducted and submitted: 1) Toms Bauģis “Development of a mobile application prototype for learning mathematics with the support of Artificial Intelligence”, 2) Artis Tauriņš “Artificial Emotional Intelligence for Improving Mathematical Competence” (01.10.2021. – 16.05.2022.)
  39. Networking activities at Latvian school project “School2030” conferences “Practically. Proficiency. Latgale” and “Practically. Proficiency. Vidzeme” (05.04.2022. – 07.04.2022.)
  40. According to the topic of the research project, three bachelor's thesis for students of the Faculty of Engineering of ViA have been reviewed, as well as conducted and defended: 1) Toms Bauģis “Development of a mobile application prototype for learning mathematics with the support of Artificial Intelligence”, 2) Artis Tauriņš “Artificial Emotional Intelligence for Improving Mathematical Competence”, 3) Kaspars Bukavs “Developing a prototype input device for mathematics learning” (01.10.2021. – 09.06.2022.)
  41. A technology prototype for learning mathematics has been developed in cooperation with the Cēsis Study and Science Center of RTU (11.03.2022. – 08.06.2022.)
  42. The scientific article "Creation of a Teacher Support System for Technology-enhanced Accelerated Learning of Math in Schools" has been approved and prepared for publication in Springer book "Computer Supported Education" and volume 1624 of the journal "Communications in Computer and Information Science" (CCIS) (08.2022.)
  43. A research and innovation project application has been submitted for the dissemination of results in the competition of Fundamental and Applied Research Projects (08.2022.)
  44. Stand presentation at ViA staff training "Vidzeme University and E3UDRES2: enterprising and innovative University of the Future" (26.08.2022)
  45. Cooperation agreement according to the price survey "On programmer services for application development" with cooperation partner SIA "Asya" (27.09.2022. – 31.03.2022.)
  46. Technology prototype testing at ViA Scientists' Night event "Trying Science" (30.09.2022)
  47. Networking activities and presentation of the project results at the annual conference of Latvian physics teachers at Valmiera State Gymnasium (15.10.2022)
  48. Networking activities and presentation of the project results at the education conference for teachers of the Latvian school project "School2030" at Rēzekne State Gymnasium (18.10.2022)
  49. Business trip and networking event at the international scientific conference ICERI`2022 (15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) in Seville, Spain with the presentation "A technology-value synergy model for learning math that evokes emotions and creates the best learning moments" (04.11. 2022 - 12.11.2022)
  50. Networking event at the international scientific online conference ELECS`2022 (6th European Conference on Electrical Engineering & Computer Science) with the presentation "Prototype of Project AI4Math: Interdisciplinary and Innovative Technology for Accelerated Learning of Mathematics" (21.12.2022 - 23.12.2022)
  51. An application to support the development of a technology prototype AI4Math has been submitted  in the PROTOTECH 2.0 program implemented by the LIAA Technology Business Center (15.03.2023)
  52. Conducting a practical seminar and presentation at the 13th conference of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences - a practical seminar for educators "Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences: a cooperation partner in education", presenting the results of the project (17.03.2023)
  53. The final report of the AI4Math project has been submitted (15.04.2023)

Scientific articles indexed in Web of Science:

Cunska, A. (2021) Technology-based Interdisciplinary Approaches to Accelerated Learning of Mathematics. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2: CSEDU, ISBN 978-989-758-502-9, ISSN 2184-5026, pages 114-121. DOI:

Cunska, A. (2021) Important factors for more effective learning of mathematics. SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Volume II, May 28th-29th, 2021, ISSN: 2256-0629, pages 139-150. DOI:

Scientific article indexed in Scopus:

Cunska, A. (2022). Creation of a Teacher Support System for Technology-Enhanced Accelerated Learning of Math in Schools. In: Csapó, B., Uhomoibhi, J. (eds) Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1624. Springer, Cham.

Cunska, A. (2022). "Prototype of Project AI4Math: Interdisciplinary and Innovative Technology for Accelerated Learning of Mathematics", WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, vol. 19, pp. 1839-1848, ISSN: 11099526, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2022.19.165


Cunska, A. (2020) Effective learning strategies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) support for accelerated math acquisition. European Proceedings of International Conference on Education & Educational Sciences EpICEEPSY. 11th ICEEPSY’2020 International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology, e-ISSN 2672-8141, pages 118-129. ISBN: 978-1-80296-952-8. DOI:

Cunska, A. (2021) Distance learning reveals the necessity of Artificial Intelligence solutions for accelerated learning of mathematics. INTED2021 Proceedings. 15tht International Technology, Education and Development Conference, ISBN 978-84-09-27666-0, ISSN 2340-1079, pages 2152-2160, DOI:

Cunska, A. (2021) Taxonomy of Technology-based Support for Accelerated Learning of School Math. Proceedings of ICERI2021, pages 3647-3656, Conference 8th-9th November 2021, ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6, ISSN: 2340-1095, DOI:

Cunska, A. (2022) Learning habits: Does the digital generation have digital stress and how does it affect the learning of mathematics? Psychological Applications and Trends 2022, inSciencePress, pages 176-178, e-ISSN: 2184-3414, ISBN: 978-989-53614-1-0. DOI:

Cunska, A. (2022). A technology-value synergy model for learning math that evokes emotions and creates the best learning moments. ICERI2022 Proceedings, p: 7300-7305, ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1, ISSN: 2340-1095, doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1860

Conference theses:

Cunska, A. (2020). Effective learning strategies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) support for accelerated math acquisition. EpICEEPSY, Volume 1, 11th ICEEPSY’2020 International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology, Retrieved from URL

Cunska, A. (2021). Distance learning reveals the necessity of Artificial Intelligence solutions for accelerated learning of mathematics. INTED2021 (15tht International Technology, Education and Development Conference) Proceedings, Retrieved from URL

Cunska, A. (2021). Technology-based Interdisciplinary Approaches to Accelerated Learning of Mathematics. CSEDU 2021 (13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education) Proceedings, Retrieved from URL

Cunska, A. (2021). Important factors for more effective learning of mathematics. 15th International Scientific Conference "Society. Integration. Education" May 28-29, 2021, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Retrieved from URL

Cunska, A. (2021). Taxonomy of Technology-based Support for Accelerated Learning of School Math. ICERI 2021 (14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation) Proceedings, Retrieved from URL 

Cunska, A. (2022). Learning habits: Does the digital generation have digital stress and how does it affect the learning of mathematics? 23-25 April – Madeira, Portugal, InPACT, International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends 2022, Book of Abstarcts, World Institute for Advanced Research and Science, Retrieved from URL:

Cunska, A. (2022). Creation of a Teacher Support System for Technology-Enhanced Accelerated Learning of Math in Schools. In: Csapó, B., Uhomoibhi, J. (eds) Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1624. Springer, Cham.

Cunska, A. (2022). A technology-value synergy model for learning math that evokes emotions and creates the best learning moments. 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation ICERI2022 Proceedings, Retrieved from URL

Cunska, A. (2022). Prototype of Project AI4Math: Interdisciplinary and Innovative Technology for Accelerated Learning of Mathematics. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899, Volume 19, 2022, Art. #165, Retrieved from URL 

The Study of Computer Vision Algorithms for Underwater Fish Inspection


Updated in September, 2021

Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field that deals with how computers can be used to gain high-level understanding from digital images and videos. Fish detection and monitoring is an important topic in computer vision. The growth of high-powered computers, the evolution of high-quality video cameras with low cost and the growing need for automated video analysis have caused more interest in the development of underwater inspection.

The aim of the project is to develop algorithms  for remote observations in coastal and oceanic waters by combining new sensor technologies with commercially available sensors. The project is focused on the advancement of aquaculture technology systems that are economically sustainable and improve animal welfare. This includes the fish quantification for prevention of fish species as well as salmon, and even develop procedures for underwater monitoring and safe and efficient operation.

Quantifying human impact on fish biodiversity in order to propose solutions to preserve submarine ecosystems is an important line of research for marine ecology. The project aims to integrate computer vision techniques to enhance visibility in submarine environment. It aims also to design new automated methods for scene understanding of underwater images, in order to facilitate their interpretation. 

The system will have the potential to reduce human intervention to the minimum, revolutionising the affordability of a broad range of surveillance and data collection operations. Two different tests will be taken in consideration:

  • Tests in artificial environment
  • Tests in real environment

Postdoctoral research project

Project manager: Mohcine Boudhane (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Supported by: ERDF

Project duration: 15.03.2019. - 14.03.2022.

Project number:

Project partner: ENSET, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco


Activities implemented:

  1. Participation in the International Conference in the international Scientific Conference SOCIETY. TECHNOLOGY. SOLUTIONS, title: "Underwater optical observation, how to improve visibility" (24-25.04.2019)
  2. Participation in  on new research methods, presentation on the topic "MACHINE LEARNING AND DATA SCIENCE" (15.05.2019)
  3. Participation in FALLING THE WALL LAB, organized by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in cooperation with the university of Latvia, presentation title "BREAKING THE WALL OF UNDERWATER VISIBILITY" (05.06.2019)
  4. Description of Activity 1.1.a "Visibility problems and underwater image enhancement methods" (28.06.2019)
  5. Description of  Activity 1.1.b "Technologies on object detection  tracking in video sequences"  (28.06.2019)
  6. Description of  Activity 1.1.c "Evaluative and comparative study of shape modelling methods" (28.06.2019)
  7. Lecture by Dr. Thomas Blaschke "Object-Based Image Analysis: integrating GIS and remote sensing for environmental studies", Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Riga (16.08.2019)
  8. Participation in the International conference on Mathematics and computers in Science and Industry with presentation "A Method for Underwater Image Enhancement using Histogram Regularization", Corfu Island, Greece (24.-26.08.2019)
  9. Participation in the International conference on Watermarking and Image Proecessing ICWIP with presentation "Underwater Exploration Issues, Deep Study on Optical Underwater Vision for an Effective Traditional Fishing", Marseille, France (18.-20.09.2019)
  10. Project result dissemination in the European Researchers' Night 2019, Valmiera, Latvia (27.09.2019)
  11. Publication Boudhane, M., & Balcers, O. (2019). Underwater Image Enhancement Method Using Color Channel Regularization and Histogram Distribution for Underwater Vehicles AUVs and ROVs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 13, 570-578, ISSN: 1998-4464 (September 2019)
  12. Project dissemination: presentation at Monthly Postdoctoral Seminar (18.12.2019)
  13. Fish tank demonstration day (19.12.2019)
  14. Database: (March, 2020)
  15. Presentation “Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, Applications in Oceanography” at the seminar Dabas un Tehnoloģiju Parks, Urda, Latvia, 12.03.2020. 

Boudhane M., & Balcers, O. (2020). Underwater Optical Observation, How to Improve Visibility. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 8. DOI: 10.22364/bjmc.2020.8.1.09 (January 2020) (Web of Science)

Boudhane, M., & Balcers, O. (2019). Underwater Image Enhancement Method Using Color Channel Regularization and Histogram Distribution for Underwater Vehicles AUVs and ROVs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 13, pp. 570-578, ISSN: 1998-4464 (December 2019) (Scopus)

  1. Conference thesis:

Pratt, M., Boudhane, M., & Cakula, S. (2020). Predictive Data Analysis Model for Employee Satisfaction Using ML Algorithms. International Conference of Advanced Computing and Informatics, Casablanca, Morocco, 13th - 14th April, project synergy with the "Support for Effective Participation of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences within the International Scientific Circles (ViA-lnt)" Nr.

Boudhane, M., Azbeg, K., Toulni, H., Balcers, O. (2021). A Method-based Feature Extraction and Object Recognition for Underwater Imaging. International Scientific Conference SOCIETY. TECHNOLOGIES, SECURITY, March 25th-26th, VIDZEME UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES, VALMIERA.

  1. Business trip and research at the Daugavpils University, Latvia (25.06-31.07.2020). Work at the lake Svēte, Tetele (Latvia). Presentation of the project results at the Daugavpils University, 01.07.2020 "Progress and the planed testing methodology".
  2. Summer school Security of Things at the Univeristy of Rostock (24.08-24.09. 2020).
  3. Reports of the research results: Technical Data Sheet, R4; Feature engineering and tracking of live fish, R6.
  4. 3D design of the underwater robot prototype, WP2.1.
  5. CAD underwater robot design (Face view, Side view, Top view, WP 2.1).
  6. DAAD AI Networking (German Academic Exchange Service), March 24th-25th, 2021. WP 2.2, WP3.
  7. Mobility to ENSAM university in Rabat, Morocco, August 2021-March 2022

Design research for user-friendly guidance of complex whole-body rehabilitation for lower extremity amputees by means of extended reality and advanced wearables data processing

PostDoc LV

Homepage of the project:

Updated on 15.03.2022

The project deals with two rehabilitation challenges that affect both patients - people with amputations of lower extremities (hereinafter CAEA) and their physiotherapists. The first are curring and insufficiently effective rehabilitation process, the second being the limited scope for processing, interpreting and understandable use of the amount of data generated during the rehabilitation process.

The aim of the project is therefore to develop an extended reality solution that would implement a new rehabilitation method, innovative wearing technologies and medical know-how algorithms that would enhance the quality of of life CAEA, accelerate rehabilitation and reintegrate into society and work.Combining deep musculoskeletal training with diaphragmatic breathing techniques will increase body stability and reduce CAEA's inherent risk of falling, back pain, cardiovascular and respiratory complications. In addition, the technological solution will provide long-term rehabilitation monitoring, real-time full-body monitoring and user-driven easy-to-understand rehabilitation management for people with limited capabilities. Activities: development and validation of a new rehabilitation method, tests for the interoperability of wearable technologies, development of an extended reality solution, tests for the users of the solution, mobility and dissemination of results.

The project will result in the development of a prototype forextended user tests and the assessment of readiness for commercialisation, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the needs and limitations of CAEA during rehabilitation, an in-depth knowledge from a scientific point of view that could reveal and demonstrate a new approach on body performance principles and relationships.

Post-doctoral research aid

Project manager: ing. Linda Lancere (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Type of project: ERDF

Project implementation time: 02.01.2019. - 30.12.2021.

Project number:

Project activities:

The first year of the project involves an in-depth study of technology, rehabilitation methodologies, surveys of potential users, with a view to developing a user-oriented solution. An analysis and selection of the conformity of wearing technologies have been carried out, identifying technologies that are capable of ensuring objective entry, movement during data rehabilitation, vital parameters such as pulse, breathing, muscle activity, blood pressure and real-time recording of other data. Smart textile tests have been carried out for the acquisition and display of respiratory techniques in extended reality. A rehabilitation programme shall be drawn up and the requirements necessary for the implementation of user tests shall be fulfilled. 

Main activities of the project:

  1. Participation in the virtual and supplemented reality software development AR/VR hackathon Valmiera, Latvia (26-28.04 .2019)
  2. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP2.1. Sub-activity. Analysis of existing modern rehabilitation, expanded reality and wearable technologies." within the framework of sub-activity ''WP2. Development of the rehabilitation method." (06.2019)
  3. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP2.2. Sub-activity. Interviews with physiotherapists and people on AEA." within the framework of sub-activity "WP2. Development of the rehabilitation method." The content will be updated by the end of the project (06.2019).
  4. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP2.3. Sub-activity. Development of Rehabilitation Method." within the framework of sub-activity "WP2. Development of the rehabilitation method." (06.2019)
  5. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP2.4. Sub-activity. Technology and sensor tests." within the framework of sub-activity "WP2. Development of the rehabilitation method." (06.2019)
  6. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP3.1. Sub-activity. Developing Concept." within the framework of sub-activity "WP3. Development of an enlarged environment." (06.2019)
  7. Presentation at the Post-doctoral monthly seminar with the latest results report "Design Research for User-friendly Guidance of Complex Whole-body Rehabilitation for Lower Extremity Amputees by Means of Extended Reality and Advanced Wearables Data Processing" (18.6.2019.)
  8. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP4.1. Sub-activity. Development of patient testing protocol." within the framework of sub-activity "WP4. Tests and prototyping." The content will be supplemented (07.2019)
  9. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP4.2. Sub-activity. Looking for patients for testing, ethics." within the framework of sub-activity "WP4. Tests and prototyping." The content will be supplemented (07.2019)
  10. Implementation of the mobility phase Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa, USA (15.08.2019. -15.08 .2020)
  11. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP4.2. Sub-activity. Looking for patients for testing, ethics." within the framework of sub-activity "WP4. Tests and prototyping." The content will be supplemented. (08.2019)
  12. Drawing up a description for sub-activity "WP4.1. Sub-activity. Development of patient testing protocol.within the framework of sub-activity" within the framework of sub-activity "WP4. Tests and prototyping." The content will be supplemented. (08.2019)
  13. Analysis of the scientific literature for the sub-activities "WP3.1 and 3.2. Development of the concept of extended reality and developing a virtual environment design and scenario for use in the augmented reality." within the framework of sub-activity "WP3. Development of an enlarged environment." The content will be supplemented. (09.2019)
  14. Laboratory tests for wearing technologies (Hexaskin and Delsys) for sub-activity "WP4.3. Sub-activity. Rehabilitation study in patients." The content will be supplemented. (09.2019)
  15. Presentation RSU Health hackathon with final results. (26.10.2019.)
  16. Development of a minimum viable prototype scenario under the modified rehabilitation programme and the Delsys and Plux tests carried out, user tests for sub-activities "WP3.1.1 and 3.2. Development of the concept of extended reality and developing a virtual environment design and scenario for use in the augmented reality." within the framework of sub-activity "WP3. Development of an enlarged environment." The content will be supplemented. (10-12.2019)
  17. Development of a minimum viable prototype scenario under the modified rehabilitation programme and the Delsys and Plux tests carried out, user tests for sub-activity "D4.3. Sub-activity. Development of patient testing protocol." within the framework of sub-activity "WP4. Tests and prototyping within". (11.2019)
  18. Minimum viable prototype scenario programming for sub-activity "WP3.3. Extended Reality Basic Solution Programming" within the framework of sub-activity "WP3 Activities. Development of an enlarged environment."The content will be supplemented. (10-12.2019)
  19. Adjustments to the application of the Ethics Commission according to the results of user tests for sub-activity "WP4.2. Sub-activity. Looking for patients for testing, ethics." within the framework of sub-activity "WP4. Trials and prototyping." (10-11.2019)
  20. A visit to the conference on the latest AR and VR achievements "AR/VR Global Summit” in Vancouver, Canada. (1-2.11.2019)
  21. Laboratory testing of users for sub-activity using Delsys and Plux sensors for sub-activity "WP4.3. Rehabilitation study in patients." within the framework of sub-activity "WP4. Tests and prototyping." The content will be supplemented (11-12.2019)
  22. Presentation at the Post-doctoral monthly seminar with the latest results report "Design Research for User-friendly Guidance of Complex Whole-body Rehabilitation for Lower Extremity Amputees by Means of Extended Reality and Advanced Wearables Data Processing" (16.12.2019.)
  23. User tests in laboratory conditions in frames of “WP4. Testing and prototyping.WP4.3. Patient trials.” activity. Muscle activity during deep muscle exercise evaluation using Delsys wireless sensors and Hololens visualizations (1-3.2020.)
  24. Volunteering in "American Prosthetics and Orthotics" (1.2020.)
  25. Volunteering in "University Hospital of Iowa City" Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation clinic, working with amputees (2.2020.)
  26. Game scenario development based on sensor and user tests in frames of “WP3.1. Modelling basis of the concept and WP3.2.Scenario development and VR design creation for application in augmented reality environment. ” activities (1-3.2020.)

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592