Coastal Fishing Vessels Powered by Zero Emission Hydrogen Fuel Cell H2-SEAS

european commision

The Aim and description: 

Currently in the European Union, there are no operating fishing vessels of less than 12 metres in length using hydrogen fuel cell energy for their propulsion with electric engines and for their auxiliary power systems for navigation and fishing activities. The H2-SEAS consortium proposes an accessible, innovative, and complete hydrogen-electric solution to accelerate the sustainable transition towards Zero Emission for fishing vessels under 12m in length in the North Sea and Baltic Sea basins. The proposal features an energy efficient vessel profile, equipped with advanced and fully integrated innovations, including a clean energy system.

The focus of the project is the reduction of the small-scale fishing vessel footprint on the maritime environment. The use of H2 as a fuel will dramatically limited noise pollution (only propeller sound will radiate from the vessel), absence of diesel engine exhaust and oil pollution will make no impact on greenhouse gases, airborne particles, acidifying compounds, and others, and will make one significant step for improving sea ecosystem quality, human wellbeing, and climate stability. Energy efficiency during project design phase will be implemented by optimising vessel’s hull form, selection of efficient equipment and adaptation of soft programs for economical use of the vessel Energy system. After design and construction, during vessel tests, we will collect data for comprising and analysis with similar class diesel fisherman vessel, and not only in energy consumption but in full spectrum of the environmental footprint.

Project period: 01.05.2024 - 31.10.2026 

Project number: 101157530

Project partners:

RigaTechnical University, Latvia (lead partner)

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia

Stockholmi Keskkonnainstituudi Tallinna Keskus, Estonia

Genevos SAS, France

SiA "A2Z Gannet", Latvia

Project total budget: 2 798 772.50

ViA budget: 255 000.00

Involved staff: Oskars Java, Ojārs Balcers, Jana Simonovska, Raimonda Melngaile, Karīna Anna Lapiņa.

Project scientific manager (e-mail): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Common activities in Valmiera

On June 7 and 8, 2024, representatives of Free Riga visited Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences to help transform the building at Tērbatas iela 10A into a laboratory of sustainable construction.
The building was cleaned and in the future workshop area the interior decoration was removed. The work plan for the development of the building is based on the ideas developed by Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences and Romanian Polytechnic University of Timisoara architecture students in the 2023 E³UDRES² living laboratories. But in the end of July, representatives of Vidzeme University will visit Free Riga to help implement the ideas of Viskaļi - Life Quality Design Institute.

The activities are implemented by the Erasmus+ project “Building Alternative Skills to Implement Creativities and Commons, No. 101111802” and are co-financed from the European Union budget. 




Knowledge and experience during the Riga session

From 23.04. to 26.04.2024. several ViA employees and students (Marija Katrīna Dambe, Linda Murāne, Alīna Beitāne and Liene Goļča) participated in the Riga session of the "BASICC- Building Alternative Skills to Implement Creativities and Commons" project.
Project representatives from Latvia, France, Italy, Belgium shared their experience and knowledge, learned about the situation in Latvia and Riga in relation to empty, abandoned buildings and building communities, as well as visited and analyzed several places in Riga: the Quality of Life Design Institute "Viskaļi", Briana quarter, creative quarter "Provodniks" etc.

The activities are implemented by the Erasmus+ project “Building Alternative Skills to Implement Creativities and Commons, No. 101111802” and are co-financed from the European Union budget. 


BASICC: Building Alternative Skills to Implement Creativities and Commons


The Aim and description: BASICC develops skills for the organization of vacant spaces in Europe, in connection with the European ecosystem of "social and proximity economy".Project will develop pedagogical innovations: university degree sessions on vacant places and their reuse in shared spaces, a work-based learning for access to a professional title of digital mediation space managers, a university course on acquired reflexive skills and a digital narrative platform. Dissemination strategy is addressed through a protocol for designing national training courses on the management of common spaces.  Communication with the general public will happen through the production of a documentary on the skills developed by the learners. Evaluation is oriented towards policy makers, to whom project members will provide comprehensive analyses of the learning associated with occupying vacant spaces and the economic impact of the ecosystem created.

Project period: 01.08.2023.-31.07.2025.

Project number: 101111802

Project partners: 15 project partners from Italy, France, Latvia, Turkey, Belgium and Germany. Lead partner: Coop Eskemm

Project total budget: 1 250 000.00 EUR

ViA project budget: 28 783.00 EUR

Programme: Erasmus+

Involved staff: Marija Katrīna Dambe, Linda Murāne, Krišjānis Zaķis, Liene Golča


Optimising the Governance and Management of the Natura 2000 Protected Areas Network in Latvia (LatViaNature)


The overall objective of the LIFE-IP LatViaNature is to ensure implementation of the PAF specifically addressing gaps and shortcomings and ensuring favorable conservation status of the natural and semi-natural habitats and species of Community interest by developing best practices, and creating and adopting innovative solutions.

The proposed IP will include the following specific objectives:

  • To improve the conservation status of habitats and species through wise planning and effective management;
  • To improve the efficiency of Natura 2000 network;
  • To improve the nature planning system at site level by making it more flexible and user-friendly;
  • To develop motivating mechanisms to support effective nature conservation on private lands;
  • To develop an effective system for control and management of invasive alien species;
  • To create a modern, centralized data portal for nature conservation sector;
  • To strengthen the capacity of administration and to enhance collaboration among governmental, non-governmental sectors and scientific institutions;
  • To increase the stakeholder involvement and to raise awareness of specific target groups, especially private landowners, regarding nature conservation in general and specific areas of the IP;
  • To raise awareness of the general public on nature conservation issues and to increase their knowledge and voluntary involvement in biodiversity conservation.

Implementation period: 01.11.2020. - 31.12.2028.

Funding/ programme: EU Life Environment Programme

HESPI role: Project partner

Cooperation partners: Nature Conservation Agency (lead partner), Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia, University of Latvia, Daugavpils University, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, JSC “Latvia’s state forests”, Latvian Rural Advisory and Training Centre, Latvian Fund for Nature, Pasaules dabas fonds

Project funding: 19484173.00 EUR

Project scientific manager (e-mail): Agita Līviņa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Involved staff: HESPI research staff Andris Klepers, Anda Arkliņa

More information:


Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Cēsu street 4, Tērbatas street 10, Valmiera, LV-4201, Latvija

Company reg. Nr. LV90001342592